Customer requests

Besides all the items we make and sell we also take customer requests. Customers find us and make requests from night stands to book cases and everything in between. When we discuss the request with the customer will take notes and . We then will inform them whether or not we are able to meet their request or need to decline. We, of course, will also inform the customer the costs so everybody is on the same page. Customer requests do come with a 25% down payment after agreement. See underneath for some items we have made on request, just to give you an impression.

This book case (14x25x36) was made for Linda

36″ Triangle and 24″ Triangle were made by request for Mia.

US Flag made for The Ramirez Family

Two night stands made for Anna

Different sized benches made for several customers

Shelves made for Damaris

Signs made for Anna

Two night stands made for Samantha

Coffee cup rack made for Damaris

Silverware box made for Soqui

Signs made for Madeline

Christmas tree made for Anna